Project n.1: Suzuki RG500 Gamma engine

High Performance Cylinders and Cranks

The goal of this project is to give new life to the RG Gamma engine via 54.4 mm stroke cranks and modern cylinders.

The videos page

The project is carried on with the collaboration of SGM Engines; all the parts in the conversion kit are either their standard parts or RG-adapted variants of their parts, designed following their directions and manufactured by them with the same materials and procedures used for their own ones.
This ensures all the parts in the kit are modern, state-of-the-art design and quality. They are highly performant, reliable and durable and also reasonably priced if compared with other products in same category.


Please Note: SGM contact info is purpousedly omitted. SGM is a factory, not a dealer, and they don't want private persons to bother them with questions regarding my project. Plus, they do NOT speak English. For information, questions, assistance, etc. on the RG conversion kit, write to this address: contact email


Ensure you've read the above Note at least twice, then proceed for further information about the kit.


The kit is basically made of two main subparts: the cranks and the cylinders. Both cranks and cylinders have already been prototyped and a test engine is being setup these days. All these parts are already potentially available for purchase - meaning that I can easily have more of these parts manufactured in a reasonable time - but I will not accept to sell them until the prototype is tested. I need to do the last bits of machining, assemble an engine and test it at the dyno; there will probably be some little design adjustement after that. You surely want the final stuff, not the prototype. So be patient.


May The Torque be with You

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Last updated: 07 Dec 2008

rg500 rgv500 rg rgv 500 suzuki crank crankcase cranks crankshaft crankshafts cylinder cylinders barrel barrels conversion kit pattern part parts engine engines engin two stroke strokes smoke smokes balance balanced design gamma gammalist how manual new technology project projects